
My name is Dan Pettersen, and I'm a passionate knifemaker who offers knifemaking courses for all skill levels. As a qualified teacher and knifemaker, I believe that everyone can become a master of these crafts given the right instruction and practice. I'm dedicated to helping my students develop their skills and create pieces they can be proud of. My classes are designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to craft high-quality knives, whether for the kitchen or the countryside. Through personalized knife lessons and custom knifemaking classes, I focus on handmade tool creation, ensuring each student leaves with unique tool crafting experience. My workshops cover everything from blade forging workshops to knife forging lessons, emphasizing the importance of crafting durable knives that last a lifetime. By participating in these artisan blade classes, students gain hands-on experience in custom blade workshops, perfecting their knife making techniques and blade crafting skills. Join me in crafting lifetime tools in our unique knife workshops, where you'll learn the intricacies of personalized blade making and durable blade creation, culminating in a comprehensive knife workshop experience.